New beginnings

There's not much knitting news in here today....

Here in the U.S., summer is over. Today is the day after Labor Day and that means back to school for some. That includes me. This Friday, I'll return to seminary for my last year. I can hear the choir of angels singing now. Today marks a new beginning in that I begin my internship at the church where Hubby and I are members -- Good Shepherd United Methodist ( During this next year, I'll focus on adult education. From an early age, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I love teaching Sunday school and leading Bible studies. If only I can remember that teaching is not about the knowledge that you impart but about empowering others that everyone has the ability to learn.

Another new beginning, is that I have been asked to be a columnist for an e-zine published by Judith's Table ( I found this website a year-and-a-half and it was an answer to prayer. At that time I was really struggling with identifying with the teaching of some religious groups that dismiss the role that women have in the life of the church -- and most importantly -- in the world. My mantra during seminary has been that I was created in the image of God. To me that means that God is both male and female and so am I. My challenge has been with religious groups that teach something different. Judith's Table was one place where I learned to give myself permission to believe what I felt to be true. I hope you will check out the website where you will find amazing art, poetry, columns as well as an opportunity to support incarcerated women.

I posted several new items to my shop yesterday ( In the past two weeks the shop has done very well. I'm getting ready for a fall arts and crafts festival here in the area in late October. I'm into hats right now and will post some new pictures soon.

It's raining today and that brings back memories that everytime I have started a new job, it has rained on my first day. My this be a sign of good things to come.

Blessings today to you.


Mary said…
I have a dear friend whom I've known since we were in our 20's, who went to seminary and interned at Good Shepherd. Small world, huh? I wish you all the best in your last year of school.

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