The Longest Summer

Sipping coffee and perusing blogs I decided to check out my own blog. I want to be a blogger but find that I write sporadically about sporadic topics. I began this blog back in 2006 as a way to record my knitting projects. Back then I had a shop on Etsy and did a few festivals, shows, farmer's markets. Then along came Raverly (follow me, I'm AchillyCat) and I found myself recording my knitting there. Periodically, I would post something about travels, our gardens or cats. I think at that point I gave myself permission to allow the blog to be what it wanted to be. One day I might post something about scrapbooking and then the next a reflection on scripture, the next my feeble attempts with quilting. It's at times like this I feel this place is more of a journal for myself to reflect on my growth - as an artist, wife, minister, a seeker, a lover of nature and animals - as someone growing into her own skin. And so, I hope to write more and allow the words be what they will.

And so, I now reflect on the summer. It is eerie to me that my last post was on Friday, June 3. I had planned a weekend of scrapping, especially finishing a scrapbook started in the fall for my father. The next day, all that changed. My father had a heart attack and stroke. By 11 a.m. I was on my way to meet the family in Roanoke where we stayed by his bedside for 10 days. He is recovering slowly. Adjusting to a pacemaker and a very damaged heart. Adjusting to changes in cognitive abilities. Adjusting to a family that is holding him closer than ever. And I, I am loving him deeper than I have ever loved him. Slowly walking this journey with him and my Mom. Admiring my parent's love for one another.  Not holding my breath in fear of loosing him.

My summer of cleaning house, finishing and starting many projects, worrying about where I am or am not in the process toward being an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church was put into perspective on June 3. I have wanted for years to live into something said to me long ago, "put people work before paper work." Indeed, "people work" - relationships are all that matter. From a sense of peace in relationships I have grown stronger. From a sense of grief I began knitting after the death of my brother in 2005. From there I began to grow as an artist. A lover of all things fiber, needles and thread.

The summer has been long. It has been emotional. It has been deep. It has been rich in the things that matter.


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