Spinning in more ways than one

Around here during the last two weeks of July and the first week of August, little gets done except the harvesting of the bounty from our garden. We live in a suburban neighborhood so you can imagine a pretty good size garden is the talk of the area. For the first time this year, my DH planted corn.
This is not the best picture, on the morning (July 17) I took this my digital camera fog up because of the coolness inside the house and the heat from outside. Not only did this small patch of corn produce more than 250 ears (!) it has also been a wonderful privacy fence. Behind the corn is a busy road that goes by our backyard.
Here is a look at one of the first ears - this is Silver Queen White Corn and it is the sweetest corn.
Back to the 250 ears, in addition to giving the corn away to just about anyone who came by, we also canned, froze full ears as well as ears cut off the cob. As life would have it, most of the corn came in while DH was out of town. Next came the cucumbers in which we canned 40 plus pints of 7 day (which became 8 day) pickles.
We have tomatoes too - 40 plus quarts of salsa were produce by these beauties.
This is a combination of Better Boy (awesome sandwich tomatoes) and Rutgers (amazing canning tomatoes).
As much as I love the garden and knowing that I rarely need to buy a vegetable from the store, by this time of the year, I'm earnestly praying for it to slow down.
I'm also spinning because I'm balancing finishing projects for the upcoming winter season, cardigan for DH to wear to the family Christmas dinner and a few of my personal projects.
Next week I will really be spinning as I take spinning lessons. One of the goals of mine for this summer was to learn to spin. Saturday at the Goochland Rural Market (http://www.centerforruralculture.org/rural_market.htm). I ran into local hand weaver, hand spinner and wet felter Cheri Hankins (http://mediablog.mail2web.com/maidensweaver/blog/ )and it looks like she has a spinning class for the next four Tuesdays. I cannot tell you how excited I am.
Speaking of the Goochland Rural Market, DH and I plan to be vendors there next year. He is a native of Goochland and while we live one county away, Goochland is still our home.
I'm also taking a Learn to Weave Weekend with her at the Visual Arts Center in Richmond (http://www.visarts.org/classes/summer/fiber#class_240). I don't think the class is full so if you are in the Richmond area check it out.
Finally, I'm spinning because I have one month left before I begin my last year in seminary - can you hear the heavenly choir singing! Next month I begin an eight month internship at my church. I'm excited to be focusing on adult education and feel it will be an excellent place to learn, grow, make mistakes and ask for a lot of grace.