I'm back
Once again, I can't believe how many months it has been since I last blogged, but here I am again. We just returned from Christmas at Nags Head, NC. DH and I spent the past few days in Duck, NC where we rest
ed, ate, slept and watched the ocean change from rough and rolling to calm and serene.
I got caught up on my sock knitting and started a new pair. I finished this pair of Cascade Fixation - Herringbone Lace pattern. 
I started this basic sock in Wildfoote Ragtime. I love this yarn. From the time we left the beach, I knitted about 4 inches on the sock.
Here is a view, while I sat in the car and DH put air in one of the tires before we left Duck.
As we crossed the bridge before entering the tunnel at Hampton .....
And another from Pierce's - the best barbecue spot in Central Virginia.
More later, time to love on the kitties!