I can't believe my Spring Break was last week. After being back in class for a few days, I'm ready for another break. I'll have new pictures up this weekend of all that my needles have been clicking away on - a new scarf/stole that is light as a feather, almost completed one sock - my first ever! I have about 10 other projects I'm ready to begin. Today my friends Mary, Renee and I found out that we are going to be vendors at the Richmond Earth Day festival on April 22 (www.richmondearthday.org) . We're vending under the name "Three Girls and A Dream". We're excited about the opportunity but panicky at the same time. So much to do.

Off to class. I'm going to Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia for 15 days in May as a part of my studies at seminary. Our group is meeting weekly to prepare and to learn more about the area. I can't wait to search for yarn while I'm there. I also hope there will be a knitter (or more) in the family I'll be staying with while I'm there. My heart breaks for the torture and treatment of the people, especially the women.

Feel a little scattered but my head is buzzing with trip and knitting projects. More this weekend.

Almost forgot - all green items in my shop
www.sacredpathways.etsy.com are on sale through tomorrow. An April sale will begin soon.


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